Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Services in Surrey
Complete Cleaning & Maintenance in Surrey provide a professional and affordable decontamination cleaning service across Surrey and cover all local areas including Guildford, Farnborough and Woking.
Services that we offer
We here at Complete Cleaning & Maintenance acknowledge the great work our emergency services and armed forced including veterans provide to keep us all safe and protected. This is why we are offering a 10% discount on viewing of valid Blue Light or Defence Privilege Card.
Offer Expires March 2024

Over 19 years of excellence
Providing excellence in commercial and office cleaning services can be largely attributed to three key factors: people, training and flexibility. Complete Cleaning & Maintenance has been offering an extensive range of expert commercial cleaning and complementary specialist services in Surrey for over 19 years.
Our Accreditations
Call us today on 01483 522 216
Complete Cleaning & Maintenance is a family-run business with an emphasis on quality work and long-lasting partnerships. We are a multi-service cleaning provider offering a variety of services from one single, reliable source.